
Located in Central America, Honduras borders the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean and is shaped by mountains. These characteristics create a tropical climate in the lowlands and a temperate climate in the highlands. Honduras is highly vulnerable to climate change, not only because of environmental impacts but also due to low adaptive capacities. Increasing temperatures, decreasing rainfall and an increasing sea level will affect agricultural activities through a loss of crops, salinization and damages on infrastructure and thus the livelihoods of many Hondurans. In addition, the increase of intensity and occurrence of extreme weather events, such as tropical cyclones, and climatic variabilities, such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) will put particularly coastal regions at high risk.

For a list of the organizations that participated in PACDR trainings and analyses, please go here.

Country Year Host organisation Partners involved Activity
Honduras 2009 Bread for all (Bfa) Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS), Intercooperation Training workshop in Tegucigalpa
Honduras 2009 Asociación de Desarrollo Pespirense (ADEPES), Red de Comités de Desarrollo Ambiental (CODEMAS) Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS), Bread for all (Bfa) Analysis of two community-level rural development projects in the municipality of Pespire (Choluteca) and in the municipality of Lepaterique (Francisco Morazán)
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