
Ethiopia is located in the Horn of Africa. A complex of mountains and plateaus is surrounded by lowlands and creates a great ecological diversity, ranging from deserts along the eastern border to tropical forests in the South. The climate is mainly characterized by tropical monsoon with a rainy season from June to September. Because Ethiopia is mostly covered by highlands, average temperatures are cooler compared to other countries in similar location near the equator. Climate change impacts are heavy rains, floods and droughts that occur more often due to a significant increase of the variability of rainfall. These changes have a negative impact on Ethiopian’s agricultural activities, infrastructure and the availability of drinking water and are endangering the livelihood of local communities. In addition, Malaria and water-borne diseases spread in areas where they did not occur before.

For a list of the organizations that participated in PACDR trainings and analyses, please go here.

Country Year Host organisation Partners involved Activity
Ethiopia 2009 Bread for all (Bfa) Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS) Training workshop in Addis Ababa
Ethiopia 2009 Gurmuu Bread for all (Bfa), Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS) Analysis on a community level rural development project in the districts of Guduru and Hababo, Oromiya.
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