Preparing a PACDR Community Assessment

A PACDR analysis should be conducted when planning a new phase of a development project. It can also help to identify blind spots in an ongoing activity. Here you will find documents that help you to conduct an analysis. A PACDR community assessment can take anything from four days up to several weeks, depending on people’s availability and intensity of the process (either all modules in several days or spread over several weeks).

Think about the following issues before you conduct an analysis:

  • Adapt the PACDR tool to your needs: You can use all or part of the modules and combine them with other tools that you are already working with.
  • Work with experienced trainers: Working with experienced trainers in conducting such an analysis can be crucial for the success of your climate risk analysis.
  • Learn from others: Consider the results from other analyses or invite people from the region who have already conducted climate risk analyses or assessments.
  • Look at scale: PACDR analyses of different communities and districts can be combined and used for advocacy to claim for more action on climate change adaptation.

Templates and useful documents for PACDR

With the help of the following documents you will be able to implement a PACDR training and community assessment.


Documents for download What for? Language
Key disaster and climate risk management terms and their equivalents in English, Spanish and French

Overview on the most used technical terms within the PACDR manual; useful for translators to prepare translations.

Templates for note taking

This template guides the documentation of the PACDR process and each exercise by note takers. The reporting templates cover the key aspects of each exercise and help note takers produce exercise reports for the community and for the facilitation team and supporting organizations.

Example Training Report

You can find examples of training reports in our country information.

Template: Community profile for PACDR

This template guides the selection and documentation of the community profile for a PACDR community assessment. It lists the different selection criteria and helps to document the key characteristics of the community.

Template: Impact chain exercise sheet

This template provides you with table to implement the exercise on impact chains. It also gives some examples to make it easier to apply.

Template: PACDR training - example budget

This template gives you an example budget for a PACDR training and community assessment.

Time requirement for PACDR

This template gives you an overview of how much time you need to plan when you conduct the different PACDR modules in a community assessment.