Burkina Faso
Situated in West Africa, Burkina Faso is a relatively flat country with a primarily dry tropical climate and two distinct seasons – a short rainy and a long dry season. Among the changing climate condition is an increased variation in rainfall. In addition, the East and Southwest are hit by very high temperatures and droughts. As most of the population relies on self-sufficient farming, Burkina Faso is highly vulnerable to climate change. Impacts are scarcity of water resources and decreases in agricultural yields and productivity. The drier conditions also increase the risk of forest or bushfires.
For a list of the organizations that participated in PACDR trainings and analyses, please go here.
Country | Year | Host organisation | Partners involved | Activity |
Burkina Faso | 2016 | Secaar | Bread for all (Bfa), Missionary Alliance (AMI), Synergie Paysanne (SYNPA) | Analysis in the community of Sourgou |
Burkina Faso | 2016 | Secaar | Bread for all (Bfa), Missionary Alliance (AMI), Synergie Paysanne (SYNPA) | Training workshop in the city of Koudougou (including different organizations from Burkina Faso, Benin, Niger, Ivory Coast, Senegal and Togo) |