The climate in Colombia is typically tropical and characterized by a humid climate with large differences in average rainfall between the four climatic regions. Therefore, there is no overall trend in rainfall patterns. It decreases in some regions and increases in others. In the high-Andean strip global warming is causing an accelerated loss of glacial area. Sea level rise puts many inhabitants at risk of marine floods and affects areas of tourist interest. Other impacts of the changing climate are the extension of malaria and dengue, as well as a reduction of agricultural land. Droughts caused by changes in rainfall patterns are increasing the pressure on the agricultural sector.
For a list of the organizations that participated in PACDR trainings and analyses, please go here.
Country | Year | Host organisation | Partners involved | Activity |
Colombia | 2016 | Semillas de Agua | Fastenopfer (FO) | After Being part of the training workshop in Chiapas, Mexico, Semillas de Agua published together with FO a report about the application of PACDR in different projects in Colombia. |
Colombia | 2015 | Suyusama | Fastenopfer (FO) | Suyusama was a participant in the 2012 climate training. They implemented many activities in 2015 to support locals with adaptation and mitigation strategies. Some measures included trainings and workshops on climate and water management, the building of energy saving stoves and a regional forum to exchange experiences. |
Colombia | 2012 | Bread for all (Bfa) | Fastenopfer (FO), Semillas de Agua, Fundación Synergia | Training workshop in Buga |
Colombia | 2012 | Semillas de Agua | Fastenopfer (FO), Bread for all (Bfa) | Analysis on Semillas de Agua’s project in Poblazón, Cauca. It focused on improving good security for the local population. |