
Niger, a landlocked country in West Africa, has a subtropical climate which can be mainly characterised as very hot and very dry. While the North is covered by large deserts and semi deserts, natural savannahs dominate the southern parts of Niger. Climate change impacts, such as increasing temperatures and changing rainfall patterns favour the expansion of existing deserts. These environmental changes, including the lack of water, droughts, storm–induced soil degradation and floods are threatening agricultural practices and livestock. Crop losses, reduced productivity and the spread in animal diseases are among the impacts. In addition, fishing yields are diminishing and therefore livelihoods of local communities are threatened.

For a list of the organizations that participated in PACDR trainings and analyses, please go here.

Country Year Host organisation Partners involved Activity
Niger 2009 Bread for all (Bfa) Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS) Training workshop in Niamey
Niger 2009 Groupe d’Appui au Développement Rural – Recherche et Action (GADR-RA) Bread for all (Bfa), Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS) Analysis on GADR-RA’s community-level project in Guidan Ider, Tahoua
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