Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) straddles the equator, with one third of the country to the North and the rest to the South. Two basins, namely the Congo and the Nile basin, run through the country and it spreads over three climatic zones: the hot and humid equatorial basin, the cool and dry South and the wetter and colder eastern mountain region. Climate change is causing disturbances in rainfall patterns and increasing temperatures, especially around the equator. The impacts of these changes affect the agricultural calendar and lower crop yields. Simultaneously, the risk of disasters, such as floods and landslides is increasing. The distribution of wildlife species is also affected by temperature changes and water availability.

Country Year Host organisation Partners involved Activity
Dem. Rep. Congo 2018 PIDR Bread for the world Inhouse training and analysis in Kisangani
Dem. Rep. Congo 2017 Service chrétien d’appui à l’animation rurale (SEECAR) Bread for all (Bfa), Département missionnaire (DM-échange et mission), Centre Régional d’Appui et de Formation pour le Développement (CRAFOD) Training workshop in Kimpese with participants from SECAAR and partners from Congo and Rwanda
Dem. Rep. Congo 2015- 2017 Centre de promotion rurale (CPR) Bread for all (Bfa), Brot für die Welt (BfdW), FAKT Analysis on the Idjwi Island in the Kihumba district, focusing on a project of CPR called SAPROPI (translated = Food security and peasant promotion program). The very positive feedback from the population and the political district leaders led CPR to focus their project activities on this district. Positive experience over time led to several post-training activities.
Dem. Rep. Congo 2015 Centre de promotion rurale (CPR) FAKT, Brot für die Welt (BfdW), Bread for all (Bfa) Training workshop tin Bugarula on the Idjwi Island in the East, including different organizations from Congolese provinces, Rwanda and Benin
Dem. Rep. Congo 2014 Centre Régional d’Appui et de Formation pour le Développement (CRAFOD) FAKT, Bread for all (Bfa), Brot für die Welt (BfdW) Analysis in Malanga on one of CRAFOD’s project called PROGEL (translated = Local Environmental Governance Program in Bas-Congo); Training workshop Kimpese with 16 different organizations from Bas-Congo and Bandundu
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