
Indonesia counts over 17’000 islands. Lying along the equator, the climate is almost entirely tropical with a dry season (April – October) and a wet season (November – March). In addition to overall geophysical risks from e.g. earthquakes and volcanoes, the country is considered at serious risk from climate change impacts. Changes in precipitation patterns result in droughts and floods and endanger agricultural activities and thus the livelihoods of many Indonesian people. They also encourage diseases and increases in wildfires, which threaten the country’s huge rainforest. Considering that the majority of Indonesians lives in low-lying coastal areas, the rising sea level is threating the homes of the major part of the population.

Country Year Host organisation Partners involved Activity
Indonesia 2024 YAK ( BITRA, ASRI, KNTI, KSPPM, PETRASA, SP, YSDK Onsite training, community assessment
Indonesia 2022 YAK, YSDK Bread for the World Short field analysis followed an online training
Indonesia 2011 Bread for all (BfA) Mission 21, Gereja Kristen Protestan Indonesia (GKPI) Training workshop in Malinau
Indonesia 2011 Gereja Kristen Protestan Indonesia (GKPI) Bread for All (BfA), Mission 21 Analysis in Central Kalimantan on two community development and advocacy projects in Loksado and Layang (Bidang Pembinaan (Congregation development project) and Parpem – Partisipasi dalam Pembangunan (Participation in community development project))
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