
Brazil has a high number of different ecosystems and climatic regions, many of them being highly threatened by climate change. Rising temperatures are highest in the Southeast and the South. Especially in the dry north-eastern region the ongoing heat leads to droughts and facilitates wild fires. Adding changing rainfall patterns, these effects cause poorer water resources and severe negative impacts. Agriculture is likely to be the most affected economic sector due to salinization, soil degradation and shifts in cropping zones. Higher temperatures will favour the spreading of diseases ot only affecting crops and animals but also humans. Coastal zones will be affected by increased flood events, sea level rise and an increase in tropical storms. Together with deforestation and intensive agriculture (e. g. soy bean), these factors make Brazil very vulnerable to climate change.

For a list of the organizations that participated in PACDR trainings and analyses, please go here.

Country Year Host organisation Partners involved Activity
Brazil 2013 Commissáo Pastoral da Terra (CPT) Bread for all (Bfa), Fastenopfer (FO) Analysis on CPT’s “Land, law and dignity of the peasant communities in Tocantis” project
Brazil 2013 Bread for all (Bfa) Fastenopfer (FO) Training workshop in Brasilia
Brazil 2011 Bread for all (Bfa) Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS), Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço (CESE) Training workshop in Salvador da Bahia
Brazil 2011 Centro de Agricultura Alternativa (CAA) Bread for all (Bfa), Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS) Analysis on CAA’s project with the traditional population of geraizeros in Tapera, Minas Gerais.
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